Thursday, September 6, 2012

UPDATE: Somerville Parking (yet again)

In August we were asked by a customer to obtain a Somerville moving van permit for their move. This permit would involve metered spots. Perhaps we haven't had to get a metered spot in Somerville in a long time or maybe there's a new rule, we're not sure.

Here's how it worked when we requested a spot with meters: Fill out the form, including all of the relevant information. The clerk will enter this info and process as usual. However, with metered spots you will NOT receive permit paperwork as you would with a non-metered spot. Somerville will put your request in the system and bag the meters, but you will not receive signs to post or permit paperwork for your files. Also, each meter head is $35 and then there's another fee on top of that for the request. Its a little confusing and kind of expensive, but it worked for us when we had to do it.

If you need a moving van permit from Somerville we would suggest calling them before you go down or just heading over there and figuring it out on site. It seems there's have been a lot of changes, but they don't show up on the website.

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