Thursday, July 7, 2011

The Furniture Trust

Have you heard of The Furniture Trust?

I hadn't until just the other day. They are a Boston based non-profit that takes unwanted office furniture and distributes it to other non-profits.

It's a great concept that has the potential to help a lot of people. As a moving company we have hauled away and disposed quite a bit of office furniture for clients. If we'd known about the Furniture Trust we could have saved a lot of this from landfills.

They accept office supplies and office and reception furniture such as desks, cubicles, rugs, conference tables, white boards, etc. And, if what you want to donate is considered unsuitable for reuse the group will recycle the component parts.

So, if you have unwanted or unused office furniture that you'd like to donate give them a call. They will walk you through every step of the process.

photo courtesy of

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