Thursday, June 16, 2011

Bruins Win! (And What that Means for Moving)

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Everything has to relate to moving, right?

First, lets address the fact that the Bruins were awesome (especially Thomas) last night and it was thrilling to see them win. Watching how happy they were to be hoisting the Stanley Cup was so wonderful.

Of course, no championship would be complete without a parade through Boston. The Globe just announced that the Bruins parade will be this Saturday, June 25th starting at 11 AM. The route will start at the TD Garden and snake through Boston and end in a rally at Copley Square. Of course, this means that if you're moving on Saturday things could be tricky. Those moving in the downtown area will have the most to deal with but traffic into and out of the city could also snarl things up for those outside its limits.

If you are moving in the downtown area this Saturday and you have moving van permits please call the parking office to see if those permits are still valid. You may also want to check the Boston Police Department website as the day goes on to check if they have any information about security and access to areas affected by the parade. And, if you're using a moving company, give them a call to see what the plan is.

With all that said, take some time to enjoy the fact that the Bruins won, too. Go Bruins!

photo courtesy of

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